Sunday, 23 June 2013

I'm back!

Hallo! My blog has been on hiatus for a while... The original purpose behind it was for its contents to be marked for my second-year module, 3D Character Animation, so I uploaded the work for that module as I went and then I had to stop adding to it so it could be marked. Now that the marking is done, I am free to start using it again -- and I can put whatever work I want on it. :D The older posts that were used for marking are still on here -- and I still like them as they show the progress of my very first pieces of computer animation work -- but I've changed the blog design, renamed it and created my own banner to match the style of my portfolio website (albeit a bit sillier than my portfolio website!).

Now this blog will follow me into the next stage of my career as an animator: final year project! My third year at Teesside consists of a group project (I'm in a team of five) that's worth 50%, and an individual project (plus dissertation) that's also worth 50% but is more important as it's what gets you a job. I have yet to decide on an idea for my individual project. All I know is that since I want to specifically be a 3D character animator, it's going to be focussed on that as much as possible -- so hopefully doing some work that will show diversity in skill, like animating both dramatic and subtle performances, etc..

I may put some of my latest work on here with any works in progress I can find, but apart from that I guess I'll post when third year ideas start moving along.

Caitlin :)

(I need to find the timezone settings on Blogger because apparently I post at really strange times...)

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